Svetek IT Experts - Solutions for Your Business
Svetek IT Experts - Solutions for Your Business
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Blog tagged as nonprofit

Nationwide Outreach for Nonprofits
Empowering Faith-Based Organizations

In the heart of the Pacific Northwest, amidst the scenic beauty and urban charm, Unity in Faith, a faith-based nonprofit, stands as a beacon of hope and compassion. Led by Reverend Peter, this organization started with a humble mission: to provide support, encoura...
26.04.24 05:27 PM - Comment(s)
Mastering Digital Privacy
In our digitally connected world, maintaining privacy is vital. Protecting your online presence is key to a secure digital experience. This guide helps configure your tech accordingly.
09.12.23 06:11 PM - Comment(s)
Services for nonprofits

With fewer resources and less funding due to the pandemic, greater operating efficiency is vital. With Big degree of responsibility - cybersecurity is essential.
Svetek LLC offers a range of services to help your nonprofit better implement, manage and secure technology services. We designed our offer...
20.11.21 08:42 PM - Comment(s)